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Refers to how the client (e.g. CLI) validates its identity to the vault server Can be done trough Token Authentication, although github credentials also work. (Also other auth methods)

Token Authentication

A token is needed for a client to use vault Vault client reads the token from the $VAULT_TOKEN environment variable When deploying vault in -dev mode, the root token is given. This allows any operation (root policy) Childs from the root token (created while logged in with vault token create inherit the root policy) Each token is unique

When a token is no longer needed it can be revoked with vault token revoke <TOKEN>


Refers to the permits each client has once is authenticated What is X client authorized to do


Policies determine the permits avaiable Are authored in HCL For example ```hcl path “secret/data/*” { capabilities = [“create”, “update”] }

path "secret/data/foo" {
capabilities = ["read"]
Is a policy that gives a client writing rights to all paths in a KVv2 secrets enginge except `/data/foo` where the user can only read There are builtin policies:
`default` Included in all tokens by default
`root` gives a token super admin permissions To view `vault policy read default` To write `vault policy write <name> <path>`

Policies might also be associated to certain authentication methods. For example, default policies can be given to clients using a certain method always.