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Secrets engines are Vault components which store, generate or encrypt secrets. They behave like plugins to vault allowing it to interact with different secret and environments (awsm for example) The read/write/delete/list operations are forwarded to the corresponding secrets engine, and the secrets engine decides how to react to those operations


Secret engines are enabled at a certain path. In -dev mode, for example, a kv secret engine is enabled by default at /secret

Any secret engine can be put in any path with

vault secrets enable -path=kv kv #Here we create a kv secret engine in /kv

All engines can be listed with

vault secrets list

Finally, a secret can be disabled (path freed and configuration deleted) with

vault secrets disable kv/

Key / Value (v2)

Key/Value secrets engine is a generic key-value store used to store arbitrary secrets within the configured physical storage for Vault. Secrets written to Vault are encrypted and then written to backend storage. Therefore, the backend storage mechanism never sees the unencrypted value and doesn’t have the means necessary to decrypt it without Vault.

Key/Value secrets engine has version 1 and 2. The difference is that v2 provides versioning of secrets and v1 does not.

Use the vault kv [options] [args] command to interact with K/V secrets engine.

Available subcommands:

Subcommand kv v1 kv v2 Description delete x x Delete versions of secrets stored in K/V destroy x Permanently remove one or more versions of secrets enable-versioning x Turns on versioning for an existing K/V v1 store get x x Retrieve data list x x List data or secrets metadata x Interact with Vault’s Key-Value storage patch x Update secrets without overwriting existing secrets put x x Sets or update secrets (this replaces existing secrets) rollback x Rolls back to a previous version of secrets undelete x Restore the deleted version of secrets

Dynamic Secrets

Generated when accessed Cna be revoked whenever

Example Using AWS Secret engine (has to be configured with access tokens before) WIth the right role configuration, vault can generate IAM credentials on demand Roles are saved to aws/roles/:name, and credentials are accessed with vault read aws/cred/:name This ouputs bash Key Value --- ----- lease_id aws/creds/my-role/0bce0782-32aa-25ec-f61d-c026ff22106e lease_duration 768h lease_renewable true access_key AKIAJELUDIANQGRXCTZQ secret_key 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 security_token <nil> The credentials are good for 768h (32 days) by default, but can be revoked earlier FOr revoking, editing and general operations, the lease_id is needed for revoking vault lease revoke lease_id

DIfferent secret engines offer the dynamic secret integration, like clouds (AWS, GPC) or databases