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  1. Vault should be configured using a config.hcl file.
    • This file is written in HCL
    • Example:
        storage "raft" {
        path    = "./vault/data"
        node_id = "node1"
        listener "tcp" {
        address     = ""
        tls_disable = "true"
        api_addr = ""
        cluster_addr = ""
        ui = true
    • Has two primary configurations
      • storage determines the physical backend that vault will use (in -dev mode is memory, but e.g. raft is more suitable to production)
      • listenerOne or more listeners determine how Vault listens for API requests.
    • api_addr determines where the api can be reached, cluster_addr determines the port for internal communication between vault nodes in a cluster
  2. Physical storage needs to be created
    • In the case of raft, the folder ./vault/data needs to exist
  3. Server is started with vault server -config=<path_to_config_file>
  4. Once is created, the env variable $VAULT_ADDR should be set
  5. vault operator init allows for a first time only unauthorized access to initate vault
    • Outputs the 5 unseal keys and a initial root token
  6. A number of keys (normally 3/5) are required to unseal vault
    • They are each input after vault operator unseal
    • Ideally not one person has all unseal keys, and the process is done from different machines each with a key
  7. Once unsealed , one can login with the initial root token